after sch ate lunch wif cher cos she got IT noting to do so decided to go to the IT lesson oso!! first teacher dunno de..but after that teacher marked attendance that times ask me to go out....lolz....
When home to do art....sian sia!!! hahas...
Wednesday :
Got back our maths test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! was so scared lar!!! hahahs...tot i fail sia....lolz...anyway i get 75% hahas...good!! so happy! actually can get higher de..but all careless mistakes!!! so angry wif myself!!!
After sch there is IT lesson!! listen to teacher talk then got one quiz....
dun really noe how to do..hahas!!!
Watch videos and play after that!! so fun!!
suddenly saw shalynn played one really funny games....mix up all the potion and it turn into a shrek!!! laugh out loud!!!
at about 4 plus then we leave liao cos teacher got what cca thing?!?!
Walk to inter wif hidayah...talking on the way!! heehee...
Thursday :
Having english lesson when suddenly mr hafiz said that he is coming up to the upper sec block to check the cleanliness!! omg! suddenly everyone frm other class rush out to throw their bottles and rubbish!! heehee...
Mr hafiz came to our class and said he want to talk to vignesh...about a thing that happen during DNT??!! omg...sit beside me!! so scary sia....some more he shouted at my ear!! omg! ~.~
was like lolz..wat did i do sia!! T.T
whole ss lesson dun hav liao...hehee...went to dance lesson next!! lesson only have so less people...cos all go heats!!
practice dance....and omg!! our actual performance is at the first day of term 2 !!! omg! omg!
so scared!!!!!
after school did not hav time to have lunch lor cos we going to the new school to have training!!...brought a pizza bread and bun to eat!!
ate on bus...heheee...told cher something that made her blush!! lolz...
heehee..omg!!! the new school is SO BIG , SO NICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and tis near to tampines mall!!!! cool!!
but a bit sad cos we leaving the old school which we had a lot of memory in there!!
lolz....the hall was very big but no air-con!? i tot got air-con de...lolz...dunno?!
wow...the school is totally a big long maze!!! seriously!!
headache!! go up and down...following seniors....lolz!
at last the new ava have air-con! so cooling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
happy ending..
heehee :)
Friday :
Normal school bio test and chem. test!! lots ! finally all the test is over!! whoo hoo!!!!! yeah!
after school cher came to my hse to videos!!
God of Study!! rock man!! must watch tis will make you start to like studying!! serious!!
heeehee....the guys are handsome >
anyways....we watch videos and see song de mv lor...
currenlty crazy about the lastest korean drama : GOD OF STUDY !! >